The Featurize module ================================== The Featurize module is the second module in the pipeline, taking care of feature extraction from the output of the Preprocess_ module. It makes use of ColibriCore_ to count features, and its output forms the input to the Vectorize_ module. Input -------- *If the input to Preprocess_ (.txt or .txtdir) is given as inputfile, this module is ran prior to the Featurize module.* --inputfile + The featurize module takes preprocessed documents as input. They can come in four formats: 1. Extension **.tok.txt** - File with tokenized text documents on each line. 2. Extension **.tok.txtdir** - Directory with tokenized text documents (files ending with **.tok.txt**). 3. Extension **.frog.json** - File with frogged text documents. 4. Extension **.frog.jsondir** - Directory with frogged text documents (files ending with **.frog.json**). Options -------- --featuretypes + Specify the types of features to extract + Options: **tokens**, **lemmas**, **pos** + lemmas and pos only apply to input with extension *.frog.json* and *.frog.json.dir* + multiple options can be given with quotes, divided by a space (for example: *\'tokens lemmas pos\'*) + String parameter; default: **tokens** --ngrams + Specify the length of the N-grams that you want to include + Ngram values should be given within quotes, divided by a space (for example: *\'1 2\'*) + String parameter; default: **\'1 2 3\'** --blackfeats + In order to exclude words from the feature space, specify them here + Each feature to be excluded should be given within quotes, divided by a space (for example: *\'do re mi\'*) + Each ngram within the feature space that includes any of the given blackfeats will be removed + String parameter; default: **False** --lowercase + Choose to lowercase all text and lemma features + Boolean parameter; default: **False** --minimum-token-frequency + Option to delete all features that occur below the given threshold + Recommended to set to 5 or 10 when applying tfidf or infogain weighting in the Vectorize module + Integer parameter; default: **1** Output ------- :.features.npz: Binary file in Numpy format, storing the extracted features per document in sparse format :.vocabulary.txt: File that stores the index of each feature Overview -------- +------------------+-----------------------+---------------+--------------------+------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | --inputfile | --featuretypes | --ngrams | --blackfeats | --lowercase | --minimum-token-frequency | Output | +==================+=======================+===============+====================+==================+================================+=======================================================================================+ | docs.tok.txt | tokens | \'1 2 3\' | False | True | 2 | + docs.tokens.n_1_2_3.min2.lower_True.black_False.features.npz | | | | | | | | + docs.tokens.n_1_2_3.min2.lower_True.black_False.vocabulary.txt | +------------------+-----------------------+---------------+--------------------+------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dos.frog.jsondir | \'tokens lemmas pos\' | 1 | \'koala kangaroo\' | False | 10 | + docs.tokens.lemmas.pos.n_1.min10.lower_False.black_koala_kangaroo.features.npz | | | | | | | | + docs.tokens.lemmas.pos.n_1.min10.lower_False.black_koala_kangaroo.vocabulary.txt | +------------------+-----------------------+---------------+--------------------+------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Examples of command line usage -------- **Extract word Ngrams from tokenized text document, lowercasing them and stripping away token Ngrams that occur less than 5 times** $ luiginlp Featurize --module quoll.classification_pipeline.modules.featurize --inputfile docs.tok.txt --lowercase --minimum-token-frequency 5 **Extract lemma and pos Ngrams from directory with frogged texts** $ luiginlp Featurize --module quoll.classification_pipeline.modules.featurize --inputfile docs.frog.jsondir --featuretypes \'lemmas pos\' **Frog text document, extract text and pos features and strip away any feature with the word \'snake\'** $ luiginlp Featurize --module quoll.classification_pipeline.modules.featurize --inputfile docs.txt --frogconfig /mylamachinedir/share/frog/nld/frog.cfg --featuretypes \'tokens pos\' --blackfeats snake .. _ColibriCore: .. _Preprocess: preprocess.rst .. _Vectorize: vectorize.rst